It has been almost one month since I went to Montreal to meet up with some of my BBBs (best blog buddies). Why has it taken me so long to blog about the trip? Is it because I had a rotten time? NO!! Is it because we didn’t do anything fun? NO!!! Is it because I took so many pictures of all the places we visited that I could not figure out how to start this post? BINGO😊

I was only there for three days, so how could I have a billion photos? I think this phenomenon has something to do with getting bloggers together. As individuals we tend to take more pics than the average human, but combine us! I can’t begin to imagine how many storage sticks Darren had to buy for his 10 day trip🤣 Not only was this my first time meeting Darren, Dominique, Linda and Bill, it was my first trip to Montreal. Another reason for my snap happy camera finger.

I decided that the best way to approach this retelling of the first annual BBB meeting, would be chronologically, and in two posts. Is my boring science background coming through loud and clear? 😂

I flew in on Tuesday, about 3 hours late (thank you Air Canada). Darren and Dominique waited to have dinner with me! I felt so bad for starving them all day. We had a lovely dinner, not that the food was scrumptious, it wasn’t. But, meeting these two wonderful souls was a blast! I could tell this was going to be a fun trip😊!  It was getting late, so we called it a night and wound are way through the maze of construction that is downtown Montreal. Seriously, every street was in some state of reconfiguration! 😳

Dominique chose the perfect hotel for our stay, the Hotel Terrasse Royale (not my photo!). As she put it, it is clean, comfortable, affordable and central to everything. She was right on all counts!


I would definitely stay here again and recommend it to everyone.

There was one more surprise when I checked in.


As if being the best host in all of North America was not enough for her, she and Darren put together a gift basket for me❤️ This would be very important in a couple days!

The next morning, I was still on West Coast time, so I was up kinda early. I needed coffee so I ate at the hotel restaurant. Of course, being a food blogger too, I wanted to capture my gorgeous and tasty breakfast!


This oatmeal with fresh fruit was so good, I had it the second morning as well.😋 I did my morning yoga and met Darren at the pastry shop across the street, for more coffee! ☕️☕️Montreal is so much like Paris! I couldn’t resist taking some photos of the breads and pastries.

I didn’t sample any, but did have a fantastic cappuccino (or two 😉)


Wednesday was to be our Botanical Garden day🌳 so off we went to Le Jardin Botanique de Montreal.


I did not take this picture, I swiped it from the internet. I like it for a couple reasons. Firstly, the garden was presenting their Chinese Lantern Exhibit, and some of that is depicted here. Secondly, see that tower in the background? I was in love with this structure! I believe Dominique told us that it was part of a venue built for the Montreal Olympic village.

We began our tour inside, with the tropical flowers and plants. You can imagine how many pictures Darren, The Arty Plantsman, took😆 He was a botanist/blogger/photographer on a mission!

As he is far more talented at plant photography, I will only share a couple of shoots and blooms that caught my eye. See Darren’s post for the real good pics!🌸


I love these giant, prehistoric looking leaves🌿





I couldn’t resist taking a pic of Dom, taking a pic of the pathway. Can we just appreciate how she is dressed right now! She always looks fabulous🤩


This waterfall was located at the end of the pathway. I took a couple long exposure shots from the front….


and the back.



The ceiling of the inner building had these beautiful botanical drawings.

IMG_5172I could totally envision Darren’s artwork hanging up here one day 💕!

Eventually, we made our way outside!


I loved the reflection in this shallow pool


the one dark berry caught my eye


This picture just says “fall” to me and made me think of Lisa! She could do so much with this💚

There were a few critters out too! I did my best to channel my inner Roda, who along with Lisa, we missed on this trip😞

And speaking of Roda, I can’t see a sunflower, without picturing her! Anyone else remember that post of her carrying 300 pounds of sunflower heads?🌻


There were some structures in the garden as well.


This little potting shed caught my attention



Dominique took this picture of me, as Darren took a picture of her. I haven’t seen it yet! Dom does pretty well behind the camera too. Not just a a model my friends! 

Of course, while I am taking these pictures, Darren is capturing images of flowers the size of a pea and Dom is on her second wardrobe change! I can’t wait to see how those shots turned out😊!

We continued meandering our way through the Chinese lantern display.


I am determined to get this Silver Chinese Grass in one of my yards, maybe both of them!


Another view of my favorite structure in Montreal!



A beautiful bench for a cup of coffee ☕️


One of the rare moments when Darren isn’t smiling! He is deep in thought, looking for his next shot 💕

We posed in the corn for one last picture! We had a great time, but needed nutrients, well, caffeine! Darren and I opted for, yet another, cup of coffee and Dom would have passed out if she didn’t have that Diet Coke in the car 😂 it was hot and flat but she downed it like a pro!


What a doof I am! Look at these two European gems and I am the dopey American with the white shoes on! I have got to read Dom’s blog more often🤣🤣😂

Off we went to an Indian Restaurant, my first! I have no idea what I ate that night as Darren ordered for me (thank God!). It was delicious!! Seriously, I will have to try that again, whatever it was 😋. I slept well that night, after all that walking and laughing😂 Little did we know that our trip to Mount Tremblant the next day would require even more effort 🏔.

I will save that story for the next post, but let me just warn you…..Dominique almost didn’t make it off the mountain. 😱!

You may be asking “where was Linda and Bill”? They won’t be in Montreal for another day, but they should have started driving by now😉💕

35 thoughts on “Meeting my Blog Buddies in Montreal!🇨🇦Part Un!

  1. Hi, Dee Dee – What a wonderful Meet-Up! Thank you for introducing us to Darren, Dom, Lisa, Linda and Bill. I am now off to visit each of their sites. I agree that Blogger Meet Ups are a remarkable opportunity — especially when travel is involved. Next week, I meet up again with Janis from Retirementally-Challenged and Kathy from SmartLiving365. I can’t wait!
    I look forward to reading your Part Two!

    Liked by 4 people

  2. I love this post, Dee Dee! These are fantastic pictures! I was definitely there in spirit! I can envision Darren’s art up on banners like that. You took some great botanical pictures too. I cannot wait to read part two ❤😊 Much love and hugs!

    Liked by 4 people

  3. Great post my friend. Super photos – better than mine from the botanics actually.

    For the record – you had Chicken Malaya curry with a garlic naan!

    Glad you got in the importance of caffeinated beverages. Dominique’s desperation for diet coke (however warm) was funny.

    I have been completely hopeless at posting about this holiday so far. Dominique and I have some plans to work on posts together but are both snowed under with other stuff. Our usual collaboration, next week, will feature the fashion shots we did in Montreal – including those where you waited so patiently – thank you 🙂 And the ones taken with the spider webs you spotted at the canal.

    It was truly lovely to meet you and great fun! x

    Liked by 4 people

    • Oh, I totally understand! I found this overwhelming and its just up to me to get it done😊 I felt like it was impossible to capture how important this trip was to me. Meeting all of you has been so life affirming!! But I finally decided that I had to just dive in!
      I want to get this all done before my next adventure. The longer I wait, the fuzzier it all becomes!

      Thank you for reminding me about the Malaya! I cant believe how great your memory is💕

      I treasure all of you so much❤️

      Liked by 4 people

      • I know. It was extremely significant to me too. Especially as confirmation of the progress of my own journey. Sharing that with people I love was magical.
        I wish my memory would let me recall things that I need to recall, such as work stuff. Curry, like plants, is a higher priority than work so I have better recall!

        Sending hugs!

        Liked by 2 people

  4. It’s been almost a month since you, Darren and Linda left Montreal and yet I still feel like you’re here with me. I have a little difficulty writing about the importance of our meeting; the emotions of pleasure come back every time I walk past the hotel where you stayed. Yes, there were many magical moments, spontaneous laughter and complicity between us all, but obviously we all felt that this meeting marked an important moment in our respective lives. I am still in the process of trying to understand why exactly and I remember these moments of pure happiness with the hope that soon this pleasant well-being will be renewed. Thank you Dee-Dee for making this long trip to Montreal. Thank you for this beautiful post. An excerpt from a travel diary that we can all read and reread as needed if ever the impression of being invisible haunts us. We now know that this is not the case at all. Much love to all of you! P.S. Next time, I’ll climb the climbing wall with you. I know you will encourage me to reach the top. You are a great source of inspiration my friend.

    Liked by 3 people

    • I couldn’t agree more with your beautiful words💕 Its so amazing that this meant so much to all of us! I am so happy that I invited myself along, 😂
      I know you can make it up that wall, and that Darren can sing karaoke! And, I hope I am there to see it all! I also hope you like the next post, part deux😊

      Liked by 1 person

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